Social Cognitive Theory in Career Counseling


One of John Krumboltz's theories/ideas pertaining to career counseling is called the social learning theory of career counseling(SLTCDM).

This idea is comprised of four different influences:

  • Genetic endowment and special abilities. Genetic endowments are inherited qualities such as race, sex, and physical appearance. Special abilities are talents fostered through exposure, such as intelligence, athletic ability, and artistic abilities.  
  • Environmental conditions and events consist of outside forces that influence and control our situations, such as cultural, social, political, and economic forces. 
  • Instrumental and associative learning experiences. This involves antecedents, behaviors, and consequences. This happens through a reward/ punishment system and responses to neutral stimuli. 
  • Task-approach skills involve work habits, emotional responses, cognitive processes, and problem-solving. 

These are the different factors that influence one's decision-making process for a career. They are a mix of controlled and uncontrolled stimuli, situations, and responses.  
